Site Changes: Added OpenSearch, Ico file, and Amazon and Google Search Engines

This Linux weekend isnt all that bad. I am picking things up pretty quickly.

As you can see, there is now an ICO file for this website. You will see it next to the URL and in your bookmarks if you choose add it. It was very easy to make in GIMP. Additionally, I added OpenSearch compatibility. So if you have a built in searchbar on your browser, you can likely add this site as a search location from its drop down menu. Finally, I added a new page that contains my custom Amazon and Google search engines, and I will be referring to it in future posts when appropriate.

And, as always, I am tweaking small things behind the scenes that I am not happy with. For instance, you can actually now see the navigation menu for the pages of this site at top center above the content. So if something seems jacked up, it probably is my fault. Please shoot me an email to make sure that I am aware of it. Thanks.


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